Table Classes

Class Description
.table Default table styling
.table-striped Different background for even rows
.table-bordered Default bordered table
.table-hover Change background color for rows on hover
.table-condensed Smaller padding
.table-checkable Each row is checkable if a checkbox is provided
.table-no-inner-border Remove inner borders if borders were applied
.table-highlight-head Darker background for table-head
.table-checkable Table with checkboxes
div.table-footer Footer for static tables. Goes after table Removes padding from widget

Simple Table

# First Name Last Name Status
1 Joey Greyson Approved
2 Wolf Bud Pending
3 Darin Alec Suspended
4 Andrea Brenden Blocked

Striped Table

# First Name Last Name Status
1 Joey Greyson Approved
2 Wolf Bud Pending
3 Darin Alec Suspended
4 Andrea Brenden Blocked

Bordered Table

# First Name Last Name Status
1 Joey Greyson Approved
2 Wolf Bud Pending
3 Darin Alec Suspended
4 Andrea Brenden Blocked

Condensed Table

# First Name Last Name Status
1 Joey Greyson Approved
2 Wolf Bud Pending
3 Darin Alec Suspended
4 Andrea Brenden Blocked

Advanced Table

Progressbar Icons Buttons Labels

Table with Footer

# First Name Last Name Status
1 Joey Greyson Approved
2 Wolf Bud Pending
3 Darin Alec Suspended
4 Andrea Brenden Blocked